Sep 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Course numbering

— 100 to 499 Undergraduate

— 500+  Graduate


ACCT - Accounting
LING - Linguistics
BIOL - Biology
MATH - Mathematics
CHEM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
MFTH - Marriage and Family Therapy
COMP - Computers
MGMT - Management
COMM - Communication MUGU - Music (Guitar)
COUN - Counseling
MUPI - Music (Piano)
CRMJ - Criminal Justice
MUSC - Music
DANC - Dance
MUVO - Music (Violin)
DRAM - Drama
NURS - Nursing
EASL - English as a Second Language NUTR - Nutrition
ECSE - Early Childhood/Special Education
PHCY - Pharmacy
ECON - Economics
PHED - Physical Education
EDUC - Education
PHIL - Philosophy
ENGL - English PHYA - Physician Assistant
EXSC- Exercise Science
PHYS - Physical Science
FIAR - Fine Arts
POLS - Political Science
FREN - French
PPOA - Public Policy and Advocacy
HDFS - Human Development/Family Studies
PSYC - Psychology
HESC - Health Science
PUBH - Public Health
HINF - Health Informatics
RELS - Religious Studies
HIST - History
SOCL - Sociology
IABS - Institute of Autism and Behavioral Studies
SOCW - Social Work
INFT - Information Technology
SPAN - Spanish
INTD - Interdisciplinary
SPEC - Special Education
INTS - International Studies
SPST - Sports Studies
LCPR - Latino Community Practice
WMST - Women’s Studies
  • ENGL 495 - Advanced Independent Study

    3 - 6 Credits
    Further development of student-proposed project in the study or creation of literature, guided by faculty.
    Prerequisite(s): Approval by faculty advisor.
  • ENGL 499 - Coordinating Seminar

    3 Credits
    Seniors prepare a major literary project. Spring semester.
  • EXSC 405 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

    4 Credits
    Develops knowledge and skills to assess risks of exercise participation, evaluate body composition, fitness and disease risk, and design individualized exercise prescriptions in healthy populations. 
    Prerequisite(s): EXSC 340 - Strength and Conditioning for Health Performance  and senior standing or instructor permission
  • EXSC 410 - Clinical Exercise Physiology

    3 Credits
    Examines the prevalence and pathophysiology of chronic disease and how disease-specific exercise prescriptions can be used to optimize recovery, reduce risk of reoccurrence, and improve physical function.
    Prerequisite(s): EXSC 405 - Exercise Testing and Prescription  and senior standing or permission of instructor
  • EXSC 425 - Exercise Program Design and Management

    3 Credits
    Introduces the practical aspects of managing health, fitness and rehabilitation programs including business finance, risk, liability, facility design and equipment, and exercise programming. 
    Prerequisite(s): EXSC 405 - Exercise Testing and Prescription  
  • EXSC 475 - Internship in Exercise Science I

    2 Credits
    Supervised experiential training in an off-campus exercise science setting offering programs of prevention, intervention, and/or rehabilitation.     
    Prerequisite(s): EXSC 405 - Exercise Testing and Prescription  and NUTR 245 - Health Promotion Strategies  and senior standing or instructor permission. EXSC 405 and NUTR 245 may be taken concurrently with departmental approval.



  • EXSC 485 - Internship in Exercise Science II

    2 Credits
    Supervised experiential training in an off-campus exercise science setting offering programs of prevention, intervention, and/or rehabilitation.
    Prerequisite(s): EXSC 475 - Internship in Exercise Science I  
  • FIAR 110 - Drawing I

    3 Credits
    Introduction to various drawing media and techniques. Contour and gesture drawing. Problems in perspective, chiaroscuro and composition. Outdoor sketching, indoor arrangements and drawing from still life objects. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 111 - Drawing II

    3 Credits
    Advanced study of various drawing media and techniques. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 120 - Fundamentals of Design

    3 Credits
    Study of the basic elements and principles of art to increase understanding of composition, effective two-dimensional communication and the artist’s creative process. Students will create art pieces through which they will explore line, shape, color, value, texture and spatial relationships. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 123 - Graphic Arts and Digital Design

    3 Credits
    Building on the principals of design taught in FIAR 120, this course offers an overview of various techniques and concepts used in contemporary graphic arts and digital design. Acknowledging the interconnected yet distinct specializations within the field, the course will touch on a variety of practices: digital illustration, photo compositing and manipulation, text layout, animation and interactivity. Emphasis will be placed on how these practices can combine and overlap to create rich media experiences. In addition to technical, formal, and conceptual skill-building, the course will also offer models for how these skills can be employed in the service of fine art, social advocacy and commercial design. The course will use software from the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, a cloud-based industry standard, cross-platform software suite for creative professionals
  • FIAR 125 - Watercolor

    3 Credits
    An introduction to the materials and techniques of watercolor painting, combining a traditional approach with contemporary possibilities of expression. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 130 - Introductory Painting

    3 Credits
    Introduction to various painting media and techniques. Emphasis on increasing sensitivity to color and composition. Development of artistic expression. Painting in both realistic and abstract styles. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 131 - Painting II

    3 Credits
    Advanced approaches to various painting media and techniques. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 134 - History of Art I

    3 Credits
    Reconstruction of the past based on archaeological evidence expressed in painting, sculpture, architecture and the decorative arts from prehistoric times through the Gothic era. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 135 - History of Art II

    3 Credits
    Ideas and innovations relating to the visual arts that have formed and nurtured Western Civilization from the Early Renaissance to the present. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 200 - Special Topics in Art History

    2-3 Credits
    An opportunity to study, view, analyze and discuss the current art exhibitions staged at local art museums and historical societies. Preparatory lectures with slides and readings. Field trips. See course schedule on MyUSJ for latest topics. (LAS) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 201 - Special Topics in Studio Art

    2-3 Credits
    A studio course designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore the possibilities of a variety of media. The particular expressive character of pastel, clay and other sculptural media, and video are among the many possible areas of concentration. One hour lecture, three hours laboratory for two credits; two hours lecture, four hours laboratory for three credits. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 209 - Cross Cultural Explorations: How Religion Impacts the Visual Arts

    3 Credits
    Multiple religions from the ancient past through the contemporary era have relied heavily upon the visual arts as a means of conveying beliefs, ideas, narratives, etc. In this course students will critically examine, explore, interpret, and discuss major religious, aesthetic/artistic traditions which have impacted humanity during the 9th through 15th centuries in the east and west providing for numerous cultural exchanges. Powerful visual expressions manifested through architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts (calligraphy, textiles, metalwork, ceramics, etc.) will serve as a catalyst. Opportunities for the development of historical empathy skill sets will be provided. Recent trends in methods and material of technological investigation and historical preservation will also be explored. Field trips to local museums to examine original works of art are an integral part of the course content. (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)

    Other: The three credits earned in this class can count as an elective towards the Certificate in Interfaith Studies.

  • FIAR 231 - Printmaking

    3 Credits
    Introduction and development of basic skills in drypoint etching, woodcut, silk screen printing and other traditional and experimental printmaking processes. Brief survey of printmaking from the 15th century to the present. Use of University collection of original prints. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory per week. Laboratory fee. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 239 - Landscape into Art

    3 Credits
    A study of the development, evolution, importance and interpretation of the landscape as motif as a prime subject for painting from the period of Egyptian tomb painting through 21st century environmental art pieces. The non-Western art of China, Japan, India, Africa, etc. are considered. A portion of the class is devoted to the study of landscape architecture and its application to environmental study and other topics. Five different approaches are investigated: landscape as descriptive element, as decorative background, as a structural aid to composition, as a central theme and as expression of mood. Issues related to climate change are also discussed. Field trips. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 240 - History of American Art

    3 Credits
    Provincial beginnings to world power. Confluence of social, political, and artistic thought in America through examination of paintings and sculpture from the 17th century to the present. Visits to museums and historical sites required. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 241 - History American Antiques: 1607-1875

    3 Credits
    A reliving of America’s past through a complete study of antiques: furniture, pottery, glass, silver, etc. Visits to antiques shows and museums required. (LAS) (AE) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 245 - Survey of Modern Art

    3 Credits
    Study of the development of the outstanding art movements in painting and sculpture from the late 19th century to the present. Focus on definition and meaning, influences and innovations, form and analysis of contemporary artistic expression. Visits to museums and galleries required. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 246 - Trends in American Art: 1950-2000 and Beyond

    3 Credits
    Introduction to historical and critical concepts needed to understand innovations of contemporary art in the United States. Focus on Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Op Art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art, Magic Realism and Happenings. Field trips. (LAS) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 249 - American Impressionism: Painters, Sites and Collections

    3 Credits
    Explores the studios, sites, and collections of American artists who responded to the physical beauty found in their immediate surroundings. The Connecticut shoreline, in particular, provided ample subject matter for the newly explored aesthetic principles and investigations into the world of color, atmosphere, and light. Students view the actual studios, gardens, and motifs that inspired these creative works. Field trips. (LAS) (HE) (AE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 259 - Legacy of African American Art

    3 Credits
    A survey course that examines the African origins, cultural evolutions and social revolutions that helped to create vital visual art forms of unique quality, beauty and creativity. Painting, sculpture and other art forms are analyzed within the cultural, social, religious, economic, political and artistic context. The course examines art created by Joshua Johnston, Robert Duncanson, Edmonia Lewis, Henry Tanner, Meta Fuller, Jacob Lawrence, Faith Ringgold and others. Attention will be given to artists of the Harlem Renaissance and those who created the Black Power Murals. Field trips. (LAS) (AE) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 260 - City Limits: The Architectural History of Hartford

    3 Credits
    The City of Hartford as a first-hand resource for a review of the major trends in American architectural design. On-site walking tours supplement slide lecture discussions detailing the city’s growth from first Dutch fort to modern urban center. (LAS) (HE) (AE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 269 - Latin American Art

    3 Credits
    This course will present a broad, artistic, cultural and historical study of the continuous development of architecture, sculpture, painting and decorative arts of selected Latin American countries from 1,500 BCE to the present. An emphasis will be placed on the influence and impact of Olmec, Maya, Aztec, 16th century European contact art upon the modern art of the Mexican Muralists, Kahlo, Tamayo, Pacheco, Vazquez, Botero, Acuna and other artists from Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela. The interaction between politics, society and the arts will be investigated. The course will also examine and incorporate material about selected archaeological sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Belize. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 272 - History of Women Artists

    3 Credits
    Examination of the artistic contributions of women from the early Middle Ages to the present through slide lectures and discussions that provide specific examples and historical contexts. Contemporary feminist perspectives are also explored. (LAS) (HE) (WS) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts, MWGS)
  • FIAR 299 - Vincent van Gogh: His Life and Work

    3 Credits
    An examination of the life and artistic contributions of the artist Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). A careful examination of some of his 860 paintings, 1,000 drawings and 750 letters as a background for critical analysis, observation and response. A cultural context is established showing the growth and development of the traditional academic style evolving into an expressive abstract style. Discussion of the significant impact on art of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Museum visits. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 336 - Renaissance Art History

    3 Credits
    Painting, sculpture and architecture of the Renaissance: masterworks from Proto-Renaissance through Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Durer and Holbein. Visits to museums and galleries. Occasionally offered as an Honors course open to all students with a minimum 3.25 GPA or with permission of the instructor. (LAS) (WR) (HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 341 - History of Greek Art

    3 Credits
    Analysis of the harmony between humanity and nature represented through architecture, painting, sculpture and the decorative arts from the Minoan to Hellenistic periods. Museum visits. Occasionally offered as an Honors course open to all students with a minimum 3.25 GPA or with permission of the instructor. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 349 - French and American Impressionism

    3 Credits
    Study of the works of French and American impressionist and post-impressionist painters and their influence on 21st century painting. Visits to museums and galleries required. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 351 - Art of Egypt: Ancient to Coptic

    3 Credits
    In-depth study of major Egyptian monuments from the Third Dynasty pyramids through the desert monasteries of the Coptic Christian Era. Analysis of major developments in sculpture and the decorative arts; the relevance of funerary beliefs; the importance of the physical setting and the Nile. Pre-dynastic sites and artifacts are examined. Focus on recent archaeological finds and scholarship. Visits to museum. Occasionally offered as an Honors course open to all students with a minimum 3.25 GPA or with permission of the instructor. (LAS) (HE) (WR) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • FIAR 401 - Special Topics in Studio Art

    2-3 Credits
    A studio course designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore the possibilities of a variety of media. The particular expressive character of pastel, clay and other sculptural media, and video are among the many possible areas of concentration. One hour lecture, three hours laboratory for two credits; two hours lecture, four hours laboratory for three credits.
  • FIAR 485 - Art Museum Internship

    3-6 Credits
    Develop a working knowledge of the resources of an art museum or historical society. This form of internship seeks to enhance the student’s awareness of the many and varied operations and responsibilities of a museum, including the roles of: archivist, research assistant, disabled visitor program, educational activities, etc. Nine to 12 hours a week of supervised work at a museum or historical society. Number of participants is limited.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.
  • FIAR 499 - Coordinating Seminar

    3 Credits
    A cumulative experience for senior majors in Art History that integrates recent scholarship and research. Topical seminars, discussions and field trips. Various career opportunities are explored. Written thesis. Papers are presented in a colloquium. Second semester.
  • FREN 100 - Beginning French I

    3 Credits
    Two-semester elementary sequence features film, audio CDs and short readings to help students quickly learn to listen, speak, read and write about French culture and discuss their own lives. FREN 100 recommended for students with little or no prior knowledge of French. FREN 101  recommended for students with one year of high school French or equivalent. Three hours per week. Courses may be taken individually or as a group. (LAS) (LG) (CORE:language)
  • FREN 101 - Beginning French II

    3 Credits
    Second of two-semester elementary sequence to help students quickly learn to listen, speak, read and write about French culture and discuss their own lives. FREN 100  recommended for students with little or no prior knowledge of French. FREN 101 recommended for students with one year of high school French or equivalent. Three hours per week. Courses may be taken individually or as a group. (LAS) (LG) (CORE:language)
  • FREN 200 - Intermediate Conversation and Culture I

    3 Credits
    A two-semester intermediate French course sequence. Review and extension of basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Introduction to French and Francophone culture through short stories, films, music and culture texts. Three hours per week, one to two semesters. (LAS) (LG)(CORE:language)
    Prerequisite(s): Two-three years of high school French.
  • FREN 201 - Intermediate Conversation and Culture II

    3 Credits
    A two-semester intermediate French course sequence. Review and extension of basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Introduction to French and Francophone culture through short stories, films, music and culture texts. Three hours per week, one to two semesters. (LAS) (LG) (CORE:language)
    Prerequisite(s): Two-three years of high school French.
  • HDFS 110 - Introduction to Gerontology

    3 Credits
    An interdisciplinary approach to the study of aging. Provides a basic understanding of the aging process and an overview of the major issues in gerontology. (LAS)
  • HDFS 111 - Biology of Aging

    1 Credits
    Provides an introduction to biological aspects, including environmental, genetic, endocrinological, cellular and immunological changes in the aging body. Three hours per week, five weeks.
  • HDFS 112 - Nutrition of Aging

    1 Credits
    Provides an overview of good nutritional habits, age-related nutritional problems, as well as preventive dietary practices. Three hours per week, five weeks.
    Corequisite(s): HDFS 111 - Biology of Aging  
  • HDFS 113 - Health of Aging

    1 Credits
    Examines various issues regarding health and aging. Developmental theory, pathophysiology, normal age changes and society’s view of health and aging will be explored. Three hours per week, five weeks.
    Corequisite(s): HDFS 112 - Nutrition of Aging  
  • HDFS 210 - Voices of Development Across the Life Course

    3 Credits
    Analysis and application of theory and research on growth and development across the lifespan through the use of narrative. Explores and critiques the current development research and literature, and focuses on community, family and individual strengths in meeting challenges of development across the lifespan. Two hours of fieldwork are required to conduct the field research paper. (LAS)
  • HDFS 250 - Ways of Studying the Developing Child

    3 Credits
    An introduction to systematic methods of studying children. Techniques for gathering and recording observational information about children in a variety of contexts. The class will cover Issues concerning the interpretation of this data for the purposes of understanding children, professional decision-making and research. Three hour class, one hour field study per week, spring semester.
  • HDFS 300 - Youth Services

    3 Credits
    An overview of developmental concepts, approaches and issues in youth services. Covers developmental concepts focusing on the strengths of youth, their families and communities. Highlights challenges faced by youth and methods to assess their problems and generate more effective programs. Includes field work assignment involving the study of a youth services program and a proposal for a youth services program to address contemporary issues.
  • HDFS 310 - Youth Trauma and Neglect

    3 Credits
    Youth maltreatment exists in America at very high levels. Youth services professionals routinely encounter youth or families who confide or exhibit evidence of maltreatment. The primary objectives of this course are to survey what constitutes maltreatment, its complex causes and resources available to assist victimized youth and their families. (LAS)
  • HDFS 315 - Seminar on Aging

    3 Credits
    Intensive reading and discussion of issues related to aging in America, including public policy regarding the aged, analysis of current programs and future directions in gerontology. (LAS)
  • HDFS 350 - Children’s Expressive Behavior

    3 Credits
    The expressive behaviors of children from birth through school age. Focuses on understanding and facilitating children’s expressive behaviors with particular emphasis on the adult role in guiding children’s social and emotional development. Three hour class, one hour field study per week, fall semester. 
    Prerequisite(s): HDFS 250 - Ways of Studying the Developing Child  
  • HDFS 356 - Consumer and Family Resource Management

    4 Credits
    Individual and family consumer issues and management processes. Highlights family strategies that promote effective use of resources, contemporary problems and practical solutions. Includes an overview of all topics and requirements for the national Certified Family Life Educator exam. Students will prepare and present two Family Life Education workshops that are videotaped for student career portfolios. Field work is required.
    Prerequisite(s): HDFS 370 - Resilience and Risk  
  • HDFS 360 - Family Relations

    3 Credits
    Contemporary parenting and family relationships from a developmental perspective, focusing on both research findings and professional applications. Students write an APA-style research paper and conduct a small action research group project. Fall semester. (LAS) (WR)
  • HDFS 370 - Resilience and Risk

    3 Credits
    Family systems theory is used to examine resilience as a developmental force focusing on individual, family and community protective factors. Investigates concepts that promote developmental resilience among children, youth and families in contemporary society. In-depth study, integrated with fieldwork, is used to understand diverse developmental processes in social, cultural and historic context. Topics include persistent inequalities in times of social change, cumulative risk factors and the policy implications of current research. Students apply their knowledge of resilience research to evaluate the effectiveness of local community risk prevention programs. (LAS)
  • HDFS 400 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
    Topics of special interest to Child and Family Studies majors offered at the discretion of department faculty. HDFS special topics courses fulfill approved related course requirements for Child and Family Study majors.
    Prerequisite(s): HDFS 360 - Family Relations  and HDFS 370 - Resilience and Risk  
  • HDFS 420 - Managing in a Non-Profit Organization

    3 Credits
    This course examines the diverse field of non-profit management with attention to historical contexts, interagency collaboration, governance and leadership. Course content emphasizes mission-driven cultures, strategic planning, human resource development, supportive supervision and basic financial management strategies. Students will practice non-profit management in individual and group projects and assignments that reference their internship experiences. Cross-listed with PUBH 420 - Managing in a Non-Profit Organization .
  • HDFS 430 - Field Study

    3-6 Credits
    Supervised experience with children, families or the elderly. Eight placement hours per week required for three credits.
    Prerequisite(s): HDFS 370 - Resilience and Risk  and permission of instructor
  • HDFS 450 - Cross-Cultural Studies of Children and Families

    3 Credits
    The interface of culture and development across a variety of diverse cultural groups. The course explores the interrelationships among the biological, ecological and social factors that affect children and their families, using contemporary cultural research and literature. Spring semester. (LAS)
    Prerequisite(s): HDFS 370 - Resilience and Risk  
  • HDFS 485 - Internship

    3-6 Credits
    A culminating experience for seniors, the internship provides an opportunity to relate prior learning about children and families to a community setting. Eight placement hours per week required for three credits. Spring semester.
    Corequisite(s): HDFS 499 - Coordination Seminar: Children & Families In Contemporary Society  
    Other: Limited to senior Child Study and Family Studies majors.
  • HDFS 495 - Advanced Independent Study

    1-3 Credits
    In-depth research project developed in consultation with HDFS faculty.
  • HDFS 499 - Coordination Seminar: Children & Families In Contemporary Society

    3 Credits
    A culminating experience for seniors, integrates developmental knowledge with current issues in the lives of children and families today. Students complete action research projects based upon data collected at their internship sites. Students also visit the state legislature and complete small group advocacy projects addressing an issues of importance to children, youth and families at the state, federal or global level. Spring semester.
    Other: Limited to Child and Family Studies majors.
  • HDFS 503 - Adolescent Development

    3 Credits
    Analyzes theories and methods of research in the study of the adolescent with particular attention to cognitive, physical, social, emotional and moral development. Studies identity development, including gender roles, sexuality and the troubles and trials of adolescence. Includes influences of parents, peers and school on the developing pre-adolescent, early adolescent and adolescent. Requires data collection through observation and interviews of preteens and teens. Readings focus on applications to schools. Cross-listed with EDUC 503 - Adolescence .
  • HDFS 508 - Research Methods in Human Development

    3 Credits
    Various research designs and approaches to data collection including qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Special emphasis on critical analysis of current research using the library and computer databases.
  • HDFS 518 - Human Services Administration

    3 Credits
    Introduction to administrative theory and practice. Classic and contemporary theories and specific study of practice in motivation, labor relations, organization and communications as well as other areas. Classroom work is based on case studies and student experiences. Agency categories covered include public, non-profit and proprietary organizations.
  • HDFS 525 - Evidence-Based Practices in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    3 Credits
    This course outlines considerations in using evidence-based practices with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Evidence-based practices are discussed in terms of their validation in empirical literature as well as applications in applied settings. The course will review interventions to address challenging behaviors, social skills, adaptive living and other domains. Emphasis on critical review of literature.
  • HDFS 545 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
    Topics of special interest to lifespan human development in the context of families and communities, offered at the discretion of department faculty.
  • HDFS 555 - Families and Development

    3 Credits
    An advanced course examining current developmental and family theories in contemporary contexts. Explores adaptive and maladaptive responses to developmental and family changes across the lifespan. Includes basic skills in relationship building, communication and developing family partnerships.
  • HDFS 580 - Human Growth and Development

    3 Credits
    A study of human development from a lifespan perspective: birth through death. Emphasis on developmental tasks and a strengths-based approach to the promotion of resilience across the lifespan. Explores research and theory of psychosocial development.
  • HDFS 585 - Integrating Seminar

    3 Credits
    A culminating experience designed to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge with current issues across each student’s plan of study. Individual or small group research project required. (Formerly HDGE 585.)
  • HDGE 500 - Health Related Aspects of Aging

    3 Credits
    Explores health issues of late life, approaches to problems of aging, education and environmental factors that impact on the well-being of elders. Recent research developments are discussed.
  • HDGE 501 - Systems and Networks Supporting Human Development

    3 Credits
    A study of social institutions, human service systems and networks supporting the development of our human resources. Analysis of strategies for effective integration of services for helping persons in intense situational problems.
  • HDGE 502 - Psychology of Older Adults

    3 Credits
    An analysis of the environmental stresses that impact behavior in the middle and later years. Examines normal and pathological adjustments to widowhood, chronic disease, disability, retirement and loss.
  • HDGE 503 - Social Issues and Aging

    3 Credits
    An investigation of current social policies specifically related to older adults, and a survey of existing programs to meet the needs of older adults. Includes philosophy of the service delivery systems as a reflection of the political process and contemporary social values, as well as application of the theory to practical situations.
  • HDGE 510 - Practicum

    3 Credits
    A supervised fieldwork experience in aging for a minimum of 150 contact hours.
  • HDGE 522 - Gerontological Studies

    3 Credits
    An overview of current research and literature of aging. Examines the most pressing issues and challenges presented by the growth of the aging population and provides practical skills and approaches essential for working in today’s gerontological community.
  • HDGE 540 - Health and Community

    3 Credits
    Cultural and community influences on the health and illness of individuals, families, groups and communities. Discusses theory relevant to the concepts of culture, community, health, illness, family and healing. Through case studies, applies theory to selected Western and non-Western settings. Cross-listed with NURS 550 - Health and Community .
  • HDGE 560 - Older Adult as Learner

    3 Credits
    Focus on the theory and research of adult education and older adults in learning situations. Addresses cognition, motivation and experience of learning older adults. Explores practical strategies for teaching individuals or developing programs for persons over 65.
  • HDGE 562 - Sexuality and Aging

    3 Credits
    An exploration of theoretical perspectives and research addressing sexual issues of aging, homosexuality, AIDS and the elderly. Attention will be given to practice modalities and culturally diverse groups. Guidelines will also be presented for health care professionals.
  • HDGE 590 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
    Topics of particular and current interest to the field of adulthood and aging.
  • HDGE 593 - Gerontology Seminar

    3 Credits
    See Course listings in MyUSJ for seminar offerings.
  • HDGE 595 - Independent Study/Research

    4 Credits
    Students select a topic or project to pursue through independent or small group work. Application forms for Independent Study/Research are available at the Registrar’s office.
    Prerequisite(s): Approval by the project advisor, program director and dean of the school.
  • HESC 201 - Medical Terminology

    1 Credits
    This course provides an introduction to necessary medical terminology for the Health Science degree program. The course presents word roots, prefixes and suffices, as well as meanings for these terms in relevance to structure and function of the human body.
  • HESC 265 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professions

    3 Credits
    This course presents students with a foundation for understanding the legal and ethical issues that confront health professionals. The course will familiarize the student with the basic laws and rights as they apply to care givers and patients along with the ethics governing behavior and problem solving. Students will be given the framework to work through real life scenarios and case studies.
    Prerequisite(s): PHIL 120 - Discovering Philosophy  and RELS 301 - Moral Issues in Health Care: A Christ Perspective  
  • HESC 365 - Survey of Chronic Diseases and Disabilities

    3 Credits
    This course serves as a platform to deliver a general overview of medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic diseases including issues of disability management. The student will have the opportunity to examine the evidence available related to the epidemiologic, psysiologic, biochemical, and nutritional complexities of the major chronic diseases and disabilities in the United States from a broad perspective.
  • HESC 465 - Leadership

    3 Credits
    This course acquaints students with the basics of what constitutes leadership and the importance of leaders in the ever changing health care landscape.
    Prerequisite(s): PUBH 490 - American Health Care Policy  
  • HESC 499 - Coordination

    3 Credits
    Coordination is a student placement in a practicum setting. These placements are designed to provide undergraduate students with practical, authentic experience in the health sciences. This 3 credit experience translates into 8 hours/week during the fall or spring semester and two days (approximately) per week during the summer session. The first two weeks of the semester, health sciences faculty will work with you to define your practicum objectives and specify assignments and their due dates for the semester.


  • HINF 536 - Introduction to Health Informatics

    3 Credits
    Introduces students to the major concepts in Health Informatics, including the need for technology in health care. Students will explore the various technology platforms used in health care, health care data and information management and the laws and regulations regarding technology and data. This course helps students build an overall framework for subsequent coursework. Cross-listed with MGMT 536 - Introduction to Health Informatics .
  • HINF 537 - Electronic Health Records

    3 Credits
    In this course students will learn the basics of Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchange. Students will learn the purpose, design and function of these EHR systems along with the legal and regulatory guidelines. Emphasis will be placed on the organizational demands, health care user needs and the hands-on uses of EHR systems. Cross-listed with MGMT 537 - Electronic Health Records .



  • HINF 538 - Health Database Design and Management

    3 Credits
    Using a relational database as the model, this course covers the value of data in modern world, knowledge representation and data modeling, database access and design, and SQL language. Specifically, students will experience the application of database concepts into health data and information. Cross-listed with MGMT 538 - Health Database Design and Management .
  • HINF 539 - Health Data Mining

    3 Credits
    In this course students will be educated about data representation, data mining and knowledge discovery. Students are expected to understand the basic computational algorithms used in biomedical and text data mining and will be exposed to some data mining tools to develop hands-on health data mining experience. In addition, students will discuss the value and ethical issues of health data mining, and the impact and value of “big data” in the 21st century. Cross-listed with MGMT 539 - Health Data Mining .
    Prerequisite(s): HINF 538 - Health Database Design and Management  
  • HIST 105 - World History I

    3 Credits
    An introduction to the historical experiences of the world’s major civilizations with attention to periodization, geography, the rise of empires and international religious and cultural systems until about 1500. (LAS) (GI) (Core:Global, History)
  • HIST 106 - World History II

    3 Credits
    An introduction to the historical experiences of the world’s major civilizations with attention to periodization, geography, technological change, the rise of political ideologies and revolutions, the impact of Western imperialism and globalization from 1500 to the present. Cross-listed with INTS 106 - World History II . (LAS) (GI) (Core:Global, History)
  • HIST 120 - The American Scene to 1865

    3 Credits
    A survey of the trends and documents in early American history, from the earliest foundings to the Civil War, with emphasis on political patterns and social groups at the grassroots level. (LAS) (AE) (Core:History)
  • HIST 121 - The American Scene From 1865

    3 Credits
    An overview of trends and documents in American history, from Reconstruction to the present, with emphasis on political, economic and socio-cultural developments affecting the ordinary American. (LAS) (AE) (Core:History)
  • HIST 200 - Special Topics in History

    3 Credits
    Examination of a topic or approach to history. (LAS) (Core:History)
  • HIST 203 - History of the American Indian

    3 Credits
    Attention to the role of Native Americans in selected eras of United States history, governmental policy toward indigenous peoples, and the recent political and ethnic resurgence of Native Americans. Cross-listed with SOCL 203 - History of the American Indian . (LAS) (AE) (Core:History)

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