Mar 12, 2025
MATH 120 - Mathematical Modeling 3 Credits This course is designed to meet the quantitative needs of life science majors. Although this course is presented at the level of an applied calculus course, it differs from traditional calculus courses in that the focus is on applications relevant to the life sciences and not on the mechanics of calculus. The course will begin with a brief introduction to derivatives and differential equations. After the mathematical preliminaries have been presented, the remainder of the course will focus on modeling and students will use a computer algebra system to analyze models selected from biology, chemistry and the social sciences. Topics include single population models (exponential, logistic growth), interacting population models (competition, predator-prey), epidemiology (compartmental models, vaccination), pysiology (pharmacokinetics, Hodgkin-Huxley model), enzyme kinetics and the Richardson arms race model. (3) (LAS)(QR)(Core: Math)
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