2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Pharmacy
Joseph R. Ofosu, Pharm.D., R.Ph.
Prospective Students - Office of Admissions, 860.231.5858
Current Students - Office of the Dean, 860.231.5868
Accredited by:
The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy’s Doctor of Pharmacy program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, 135 LaSalle Street, Suite 4100, Chicago, IL 60503, 312.664.3375, Fax 312.664.4652, website www.acpe-accredit.org.
Membership in:
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Mission Statement:
The mission of the University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy is to provide exemplary pharmacy education to a diverse and qualified student population possessing high leadership potential. The school fosters creation of new knowledge and strong ethical values in the development of competent, compassionate pharmacists dedicated to superior patient care and service to their communities.
Our innovative, modified-block curriculum has a proven record of success; its format will increase your ability to master the material, while also providing an experiential education.
Enhance your professional opportunities, job security and career success with a Pharm.D. from the University of Saint Joseph. You’ll be out of school after three calendar years, doctoral degree in hand, earning a highly competitive salary and filling a societal need.
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Also see:
3+3 Pharm.D. Program (Biology, Biochemistry or Chemistry B.S. to Pharm.D.) with the University of Saint Joseph