2019-2020 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing, B.S.
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Nursing, B.S. - Traditional (4 years)
Nursing, B.S. - Accelerated Second Degree
Nursing, B.S. - RN to B.S. Multicultural Health
Mission statement
The Department of Nursing educates students for all levels of nursing practice by building on a firm foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. The mission promotes the growth of the whole person in a caring environment and fosters strong ethical values, intellectual curiosity, personal integrity and a commitment to the health and well-being of society. The goal is to prepare graduates to practice the art and science of Nursing, be effective leaders and use evidence-based resources to improve the health of persons, families and communities.
Traditional B.S. (4 years)
Students in the traditional program are high school graduates or transfer students who have had no previous education for professional nursing. Upon graduation, students are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensing Examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse.
The baccalaureate program in Nursing at the University of Saint Joseph is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 655 K St. NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202.887.6791.
Program outcomes
The student will:
- Integrate the aesthetics and empirics of Nursing with the natural/behavior sciences, the humanities and inter-professional education to provide holistic care for individuals, families, groups, communities and populations
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in leadership that promote quality improvement and patient safety
- Implement an evidence-based and theoretically guided framework for Nursing practice including the five patterns of knowing in Nursing and transition theory
- Use data from diverse sources with knowledge and skill in informatics and patient care technology to promote safety and optimal patient outcomes
- Appraise and respond to the economic, legal, political and social issues that impact health and wellness of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations through emancipatory knowing
- Communicate and collaborate with other members of the health care team to advocate for high quality and safe patient care
- Deliver culturally appropriate nursing care through health promotion and disease prevention to populations on a local and global level
- Assume responsibility and accountability for ethical professional behavior and nursing care
- Demonstrate competent nursing practice in diverse settings caring for individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations
Admission to the Nursing major
- Students who are admitted directly into the Nursing major must meet the requirements for continued progression in the major as noted below. There is no secondary application process.
Admission to Pre-Nursing
- Students admitted to pre-Nursing may register for NURS 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing if they achieve a B minus (B-) or higher in BIOL 110 - General Biology , CHEM 170 - Principles of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry , BIOL 241 - Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology I , and CHEM 240 - Biochemistry of the Human Body AND have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Transfer students’ grades previously earned in biology and chemistry are assessed by the undergraduate director, in consultation with the Admissions Department and the Natural Science chairpersons when transcripts are reviewed as part of the application process to the Nursing major.
- Students must have achieved a B minus (B-) or higher in any science courses to be transferred in to the program, if taken after August 2014.
- Students admitted to pre-Nursing can apply for a change of major into Nursing at the end of the fall semester sophomore year. Students must meet all of the following criteria:
- Grades of B minus (B-) or higher in all sciences including BIOL 110 - General Biology , CHEM 170 - Principles of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry , BIOL 241 - Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology I , BIOL 242 - Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II , CHEM 240 - Biochemistry of the Human Body , and NURS 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Acceptance into the Nursing major is determined by the Admission and Progression Committee
- Grades in science courses transferred from other institutions will be counted in determining admission and progression in the major
- Once a decision has been made, all applicants will receive a written notification from the Nursing chairperson
Criteria for progression in the Nursing major
- Maintain a Nursing GPA of 2.67 every semester or student will fail to progress
- A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for sophomore progression into the spring semester
- Any science prerequisite course or nursing course for which a student earns a grade of C+ of less must be repeated before the student can progress
- Students in their freshman year may earn a C+ in a science course and progress without repeating the course. If the student earns a second C+ in a science course during the freshman year, the student will need to repeat the course prior to progressing on to nursing courses.
- Students who earn one C+ in one of three nursing courses offered during the sophomore year, NURS 200, NURS 216 or NURS 219 in the traditional track may progress without repeating the course
- A student may only withdraw once from one Nursing class over the duration of the entire Nursing Program
Students will be dismissed from the program under the following circumstances:
- More than one grade of C+ or less in a science prerequisite course or nursing course
- A second grade of C+ either in a science prerequisite course or nursing course in the sophomore year
- Withdrawal from more than one nursing course
- Failure to successfully remediate a Notification of Needs Improvement
- Violation of Nursing or University Policies
Any student who withdraws from any Nursing course will be required to meet with his/her faculty advisor.
Once dismissed from the nursing major, a student cannot apply for and will not be admitted into any USJ pre-licensure nursing program.
Health requirements
- Physical examination and vaccination form needed upon entering the program, and every two years thereafter
- Immunization against: Rubeola, Rubella (or titer), Mumps, Poliomyelitis; Tdap booster within 10 years
- Two-step Tuberculosis skin test 1-3 weeks apart and renewed annually while in the Nursing program
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) titer or two vaccines
- Hepatitis B vaccine series or positive titer
- Evidence of health insurance, submitted yearly
- Seasonal Influenza vaccine yearly
Uniforms and equipment for clinical experiences
Students are responsible for purchasing their own uniforms and several specific items of equipment necessary for clinical experiences. Students are also responsible for arranging their own transportation to clinical agencies. For details on these requirements, see the Student Handbook for Nursing Majors.
Criminal background investigation and drug screening
All undergraduates must have a Criminal Background Investigation and drug testing completed and on file during the spring of their sophomore year. A letter will be provided to each student accepted into the major with instructions. The background investigation may need to be updated throughout the program.
CPR course requirement
All students must provide annual evidence of completion of a CPR course for health care providers prior to starting clinical courses. The CPR course must be the AHA health care provider course good for two years.
Required courses (53 credits)
State law on Nursing licensure
Regarding eligibility for licensure as a professional nurse at the completion of the educational program in nursing, Public Act 86-365, an Act Concerning the Licensure and Discipline of Health Care Professionals Regulated by the Department of Health Services (July 1, 1986), allows the State Department of Health Services to perform the following functions: -
To determine the eligibility of any applicant for licensure, registration, certification, or a permit -
To deny any applicant’s eligibility for a permit or licensure by examination, endorsement, reciprocity, or for the reinstatement of a voided license if the Department of Health Services determines that such applicant has committed or has been found guilty of committing acts which are contrary to public health and safety -
The Department of Health Services has authority to deny nursing licensure to an individual who has committed or been found guilty of committing a felony or an act that does not conform to the accepted standards of the nursing profession. This would apply whether the individual is seeking licensure by examination or endorsement The Department of Health Services has the discretionary power to determine whether Public Act 86-365 applies to the individual applying for licensure. Individuals seeking licensure would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Some factors that could be considered by the Department of Health Services in reviewing licensure applications are: -
The nature of the act and its relationship to professional practice -
The time frame in which the act was committed -
The extent of rehabilitation demonstrated by the applicant Note: This information pertains to Connecticut. Please check with the state in which you wish to be licensed, as requirements vary. Nursing comprehensive exam
The comprehensive examination is a University-wide requirement for all graduating seniors and is given to determine basic competence in their area of study. Nursing students do not meet this graduation requirement until they have successfully passed the Nursing comprehensive examination. |
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