Sep 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Course numbering

— 100 to 499 Undergraduate

— 500+  Graduate


ACCT - Accounting
LING - Linguistics
BIOL - Biology
MATH - Mathematics
CHEM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
MFTH - Marriage and Family Therapy
COMP - Computers
MGMT - Management
COMM - Communication MUGU - Music (Guitar)
COUN - Counseling
MUPI - Music (Piano)
CRMJ - Criminal Justice
MUSC - Music
DANC - Dance
MUVO - Music (Violin)
DRAM - Drama
NURS - Nursing
EASL - English as a Second Language NUTR - Nutrition
ECSE - Early Childhood/Special Education
PHCY - Pharmacy
ECON - Economics
PHED - Physical Education
EDUC - Education
PHIL - Philosophy
ENGL - English PHYA - Physician Assistant
EXSC- Exercise Science
PHYS - Physical Science
FIAR - Fine Arts
POLS - Political Science
FREN - French
PPOA - Public Policy and Advocacy
HDFS - Human Development/Family Studies
PSYC - Psychology
HESC - Health Science
PUBH - Public Health
HINF - Health Informatics
RELS - Religious Studies
HIST - History
SOCL - Sociology
IABS - Institute of Autism and Behavioral Studies
SOCW - Social Work
INFT - Information Technology
SPAN - Spanish
INTD - Interdisciplinary
SPEC - Special Education
INTS - International Studies
SPST - Sports Studies
LCPR - Latino Community Practice
WMST - Women’s Studies
  • MGMT 418 - Ethics in Sport

    3 Credits
    Students will explore the ethical philosophies and moral situations associated with historical sport issues and contemporary sport topics. Student will research and discuss ethical issues and dilemmas within present-day situations and relate ethical theories to sport circumstances. Focus will be on developing a framework for ethical analysis.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing
  • MGMT 420 - Business Law I

    3 Credits
    Analysis of the legal rights and obligations of business organizations in the conduct of their business dealings. Special emphasis on the law of contracts and sales. Topics include the law of torts, substantive criminal law, personal property and bailments, agency and employment law.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing
  • MGMT 425 - Business Law II

    3 Credits
    Examination of the Uniform Commercial Code with special emphasis on commercial paper and secured transactions. Covers modern bankruptcy law and the governing partnership and corporate forms of business organization.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing
  • MGMT 430 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

    3 Credits
    Study of conflict resolution, integrating the theory and practice of negotiations to identify the relationship between theoretical principles and actual behavior. Employs an experiential learning model to prepare the student to negotiate effectively.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or permission of instructor
  • MGMT 450 - Business Strategy

    3 Credits
    Capstone course for all business majors includes the study of the principles that guide senior executives in strategic planning and decision-making. Extensive use of case studies.
    Prerequisite(s): All core Management courses and senior standing
  • MGMT 460 - Contemporary Issues in Sport and Promotion

    3 Credits
    In this capstone course, students will be studying contemporary issues in sport industries through the use of case studies, readings, and interviews. A comprehensive multidisciplinary approach will be emphasized. Students will conduct research on various current topics in sports and present their findings through a research paper and presentation.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing
    Other: Capstone course for Majors only
  • MGMT 480 - Study Abroad

    3 Credits
    Planned, supervised learning experience with sport business, sport industry, or a non-profit sport organization.
    Other: Appropriate sport study placement must be arranged by the student with the assistance and support of the internship faculty supervisor and/or the student’s advisor
  • MGMT 485 - Internship

    3-6 Credits
    Planned, supervised experience with a business, industry, government or not-for-profit organization.
    Prerequisite(s): Management major at junior or senior level and permission of department chairperson
  • MGMT 495 - Advanced Independent Study

    3 Credits
    For Management majors who wish to pursue a special topic in greater depth.
    Prerequisite(s): Approval by faculty advisor and department chairperson
  • MGMT 499 - Coordinating Seminar

    3 Credits
    Students select topics for study subject to the approval of their faculty advisor. Students present their research in writing or orally during the last semester of the Senior year. 
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department chairperson
  • MGMT 500 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
  • MGMT 501 - Managing and Developing the High Performance Organization

    3 Credits
    How organizations change, the impact of technology on performance and the human dimension of a company. Based on a systems approach to organizations. Topics include change, knowledge workers, teams, complexity, technology, communication, organization design and human systems. Other contemporary areas such as TQM, CQI, Hot Groups and systems thinking form the basic premise for the course.
  • MGMT 502 - Management Information Technologies

    4 Credits
    This course covers management information technologies as a strategic asset that organizations use to develop competitive advantage, change organizational processes and improve organizational effectiveness. The issues, strategies and tactics for managing the innovation, use and infusion of MIT in organizations. Information systems in sales, marketing, finance and operations; the nature of technological change; technology’s competitive impact; how to manage the acquisition, generation and commercialization of new technologies; and human and ethical issues concerning technology.
  • MGMT 506 - Marketing and Stakeholder Relations

    3 Credits
    The concepts and processes involved in the marketing discipline and its impact on a technological society. Includes internal and external marketing, global issues, positioning, buyer behavior, the impact of various marketing research techniques, advertising, market models and stakeholder relations. Addresses the maximizing of revenue and profit, and steady company/organizational growth.


  • MGMT 507 - Financial Management for Successful Organizations

    4 Credits
    Major financial and investment decisions made by corporations. Topics include capital budgeting, debt policy, portfolio theory, net present value and asset pricing. Emphasizes financial management as a decision-making tool in contemporary, technologically driven organizations.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 505 - Accounting Strategies for Decision-Making  
  • MGMT 508 - Business Decisions and Ethical Dimensions

    3 Credits
    Dominant ethical theories with an emphasis on Christian ethics. Students review the literature on the role of ethics in decision-making in a technologically driven world. Using the case study method, students apply ethical theory to historical, current and hypothetical business, government and societal situations.
  • MGMT 511 - Management and Transformational Leadership

    3 Credits
    The skills and behaviors that enable managers to become effective leaders in transforming their organizations. Issues include collaboration, people-centered leadership, systems thinking, effective use of teams, motivational skills, human performance and assessment of outcomes.
  • MGMT 512 - Management, Technology and Change

    3 Credits
    The needs of managers regarding the impact of technology in changing the organization and enhancing productivity. Topics include change management, implementation, self-directed teams, future technologies, technology as a tool for change, decision-making technologies, uncertainty, innovation and risk.
  • MGMT 513 - Managing in a Global Environment

    3 Credits
    The information, skills and talents needed to guide a company as it competes in the global economy. Topics include global competition, global mindset, global strategy and cultural issues such as values, ethics, customs, politics and economics.
  • MGMT 514 - Management of Diversity

    3 Credits
    The skills and behaviors that enable managers to be successful in dealing with today’s diverse workforce. Topics include gender, race and lifestyle issues in an organization, and the impact of diversity on productivity, creativity and innovation in the workforce.
  • MGMT 515 - Strategic Management

    3 Credits
    Capstone course covers the skills and behaviors that enable a manager to engage in strategic planning, policy development and outcomes assessment. Topics include strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, reorganization and restructuring of organizations, policy development, market strategies and strategic issues and methods. Students are assigned a major comprehensive project such as developing a strategic business plan for a new business or product launch, or a major case study requiring the development of a strategic plan for a merger or acquisition.
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all required core Management courses
  • MGMT 516 - Managing Health Care Delivery Systems

    3 Credits
    Emphasis on the skills and knowledge needed today and in the future to effectively manage in the health care industry. Covers the many components of the health care delivery system, such as hospitals, ambulatory facilities, community-based services, long-term care and private practice. Topics include financial, operational, regulatory and clinical aspects of management. Factors such as reimbursement, technology, staffing, leadership, organizational design and complexity, and for-profit and not-for-profit aspects of the system are covered in relation to current and future systems.
  • MGMT 517 - Legal Aspects in Health Care Management

    3 Credits
    The complex legal problems related to health care systems management. Topics include care, technology, methods of care and liability regarding care. Covers management issues such as risk management, corporate restructuring, government regulations and organized labor.
  • MGMT 518 - Third-Party Payer Systems and Managed Care

    3 Credits
    Addresses the topics of managed care and various other payer systems, the future of managed care and how these systems will impact the access, availability and quality of health care. Examines methods of managing health care systems in the current environment.
  • MGMT 519 - Joint Ventures and Alliances in Health Care Management

    3 Credits
    Using case studies, this course explores joint ventures, alliances and the effect of intersecting, crossover technologies on health care management. Includes the study of health care delivery systems in this country in general terms as well as various sub-industries, such as drug development and managed care. Also addresses the implications of joint ventures and alliances, including marketing, operations, human resources, finance,and stakeholder value. Students analyze a recent health care system-related merger with the tools provided in this class.
    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 516 - Managing Health Care Delivery Systems , MGMT 517 - Legal Aspects in Health Care Management  and MGMT 518 - Third-Party Payer Systems and Managed Care  
  • MGMT 520 - Introduction to Homeland Security

    3 Credits
    Homeland security and its impact upon federal, state and local public safety; focuses on strategic goals for homeland security; responding to man-made and natural disasters including domestic and international terrorism; agency partnerships to combat terrorism; and managing rescue and relief efforts. Includes public policy issues, inter-agency cooperation and anti-terrorism technologies.
  • MGMT 521 - Law Enforcement and Judicial System Issues

    3 Credits
    Addresses terrorism and counterterrorism policies at the federal and state levels; law enforcement and homeland security; the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act of 2002, and legal challenges about civil rights and civil liberties, including privacy issues, policy development and the historical view of policy changes, as well as intelligence and information-sharing technologies.
  • MGMT 522 - Command Management and Operations

    3 Credits
    Unified Command through police, fire and emergency medical services; critical incident management including decision-making, infrastructure and key asset analysis; public health and bio-terror issues; managing the crisis response through planning, communication and media relations.
  • MGMT 526 - Project Management

    3 Credits
    This course investigates the increasing use of projects to accomplish limited duration tasks in our society’s many organizations and the unique style of administration required to manage them. Projects considered include R & D studies, campaigns, construction and emergency operations. The course covers some of the basic issues related to managing projects in organizations including the concepts of project planning and organizations, budget control and project scheduling.
  • MGMT 527 - Project Risk Management

    3 Credits
    This course investigates the increasing use of risk management in projects to accomplish limited duration tasks in our society’s many organizations and the unique style of administration required to manage it. The course covers some of the basic issues related to managing risk and provides direction as a continuous practice in projects and organizations. Risk management can be used to continuously assess what can go wrong in projects, determine and prioritize risks by importance and implement strategies to deal with these risks. Focuses on the methods and tools that can be used to perform risk management.
  • MGMT 528 - Project Estimation, Scheduling and Control

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the topics of project estimation, scheduling and control as management’s knowledge and understanding of project management has matured to the point where many companies regard project management as mandatory for survival. Project cases include R & D studies, campaigns, construction and emergency operations.
  • MGMT 529 - Project Management in Practice

    3 Credits
    This course extends and builds upon the concepts, procedures and fundamental processes of project management within an integrative framework. The course emphasizes that, for most organizations, projects are the primary means for implementing strategic initiatives. The course covers issues related to managing projects in organizations including the procedures and processes of project management as practiced in business, developing an understanding of how to build and manage effective project teams, and become familiar with the critical components of effective project plans.
    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 526 - Project Management , MGMT 527 - Project Risk Management  and MGMT 528 - Project Estimation, Scheduling and Control  
  • MGMT 536 - Introduction to Health Informatics

    3 Credits
    Introduces students to the major concepts in Health Informatics, including the need for technology in health care. Students will explore the various technology platforms used in health care, health care data and information management and the laws and regulations regarding technology and data. This course helps students build an overall framework for subsequent coursework. Cross-listed with HINF 536 - Introduction to Health Informatics .
  • MGMT 537 - Electronic Health Records

    3 Credits
    In this course students will learn the basics of Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchange. Students will learn the purpose, design and function of these EHR systems along with the legal and regulatory guidelines. Emphasis will be placed on the organizational demands, health care user needs and the hands-on uses of EHR systems. Cross-listed with HINF 537 - Electronic Health Records .
  • MGMT 538 - Health Database Design and Management

    3 Credits
    Using a relational database as the model, this course covers the value of data in modern world, knowledge representation and data modeling, database access and design, and SQL language. Specifically, students will experience the application of database concepts into health data and information. Cross-listed with HINF 538 - Health Database Design and Management .
  • MGMT 539 - Health Data Mining

    3 Credits
    In this course students will be educated about data representation, data mining and knowledge discovery. Students are expected to understand the basic computational algorithms used in biomedical and text data mining and will be exposed to some data mining tools to develop hands-on health data mining experience. In addition, students will discuss the value and ethical issues of health data mining, and the impact and value of “big data” in the 21st century. Cross-listed with HINF 539 - Health Data Mining .
    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 538 - Health Database Design and Management  
  • MGMT 595 - Independent Study/Research

    1-6 Credits
    Students select a topic or project to pursue through independent or small group work. Application forms for independent study/research must be approved by your faculty advisor, department chair and dean of the school.
  • MGMT 596 - Independent Study/Research

    1-6 Credits
    Students select topic or project to pursue through independent or small group work. Application forms for independent study/research must be approved by your faculty advisor, department chair and dean of the school.
  • MUGU 188 - Guitar

    1 Credits
    One-half hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $200.
  • MUGU 199 - Guitar

    2 Credits
    One hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $400.
  • MUPI 188 - Piano

    1 Credits
    One-half hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $200.
  • MUPI 199 - Piano

    2 Credits
    One hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $400.
  • MUSC 112 - Instrumental Ensemble

    1 Credits
    Practical experience in performing ensemble, open to qualified students at the discretion of the instructor. Audition required. May be repeated for additional credit.
  • MUSC 113 - Class Piano - Beginner Level

    2 Credits
    A group class in the fundamentals of piano playing for beginner-level piano students, which includes piano playing, related theory and history, and written material. Emphasis on opportunities for piano ensemble performance.
  • MUSC 114 - Class Piano - Intermediate Level

    2 Credits
    A group class in the fundamentals of piano playing for intermediate-level piano students, which includes piano-playing, related theory and history, and written material. Emphasis on opportunities for piano ensemble performance.
  • MUSC 126 - Fundamental Elements of Music

    3 Credits
    The introductory study of Music, its history and development through the centuries. Selected composers and their works are analyzed and discussed. The study of reading music notation and terminology, scales, keys, simple harmonization, elementary forms, ear training, dictation, basic keyboard progressions and recorder instruction. This class may be a prerequisite for private applied lessons, as recommended by the applied music instructor. (LAS)(HE) (Core:Fine Arts)
  • MUSC 200 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
    Study of major musical genres, periods or composers. May be taken twice for credit.
  • MUSC 236 - History of Music I

    3 Credits
    The study of music of the Western world from earliest times through the Renaissance and Baroque period (1750). We will analyze and discuss performance styles, musical forms, composers and instruments of each period. (LAS) (HE) (CORE: Fine arts)
  • MUSC 237 - History of Music II

    3 Credits
    The study of music of the Western world from the Classical Period (18th century) through the Romantic and 20th century periods. We will analyze and discuss performance styles, musical forms, composers and instruments of each period. (LAS) (WR) (HE) (CORE: Fine arts)
  • MUSC 295 - Exploratory Independent Study

    3 Credits
    An extended and in-depth study of music history or theory to supplement the needs of individual students minoring in Music. Complements course work already accomplished in the field of Music.
  • MUSC 300 - Special Topics

    3 Credits
    Study of major musical genres, periods, or composers. May be taken twice for credit.
  • MUVO 188 - Voice

    1 Credits
    One-half hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $200.
  • MUVO 199 - Voice

    2 Credits
    One hour a week, each semester. Private instruction fee: $400.
  • NURS 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the student to the history, philosophy, art and science of professional nursing. We discuss the historical development of the profession, and Nightingale’s philosophical basis for practice. Emphasis on legal and ethical considerations of practice, documentation and licensure. The nursing process is introduced along with patient’s rights, confidentiality and informed consent. All material is presented with a multicultural focus, preparing the student to work with diverse populations.
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 170 - Principles of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry  and CHEM 240 - Biochemistry of the Human Body  

    CHEM 240 may be taken concurrently with advisor permission

    Other: Nursing majors only

  • NURS 216 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I

    3 Credits
    Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I focuses on pathophysiologic and pharmacologic concepts related to Nursing. The emphasis of the course is the principles and concepts of disease processes and drug therapeutics. The course addresses common pathophysiological problems experienced throughout the lifespan. The pharmacodynamics, therapeutic uses, side effects, and nursing implications of various drug groups will be studied and related to patient-specific observations, assessments, interventions and evaluations that promote and restore health.
    Prerequisite(s):  CHEM 170 - Principles of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry , CHEM 240 - Biochemistry of the Human Body  and NURS 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing  
  • NURS 219 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the student to the beginning clinical skills and health assessment techniques of professional nursing practice. Classes are held in the Nursing laboratory. Content and skills are integrated and practiced with the assistance of the director of the Nursing laboratory and the course faculty. Students will have several off-campus opportunities to practice newly acquired skills in a long-term care setting. Students are required to earn a passing grade in both components. If a student fails one component he/she will be required to repeat both components.

    Nursing Course Fee: $240.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 219L - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Lab  and NURS 216 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I  
    Other: If a student does not satisfactorily complete either the course or the lab, both components must be repeated.

  • NURS 219L - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Lab

    1 Credits
    This course introduces the student to the beginning clinical skills and health assessment techniques of professional nursing practice. Classes are held in the Nursing laboratory. Content and skills are integrated and practiced with the assistance of the director of the Nursing laboratory and the course faculty. Students will have several off-campus opportunities to practice newly acquired skills in a long-term care setting. Lab fee required. Students are required to earn a passing grade in both the class and lab component of the course. If a student fails one component he/she will be required to repeat both components.

    Corequisite(s): NURS 219 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills  

  • NURS 220 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills (ASD)

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the student to the beginning clinical skills and health assessment techniques of professional nursing practice. Classes are held in the Nursing laboratory. Content and skills are integrated and practiced with the assistance of the director of the Nursing laboratory and the course faculty. Students will have several off-campus opportunities to practice newly acquired skills in a long-term care setting. Students are required to earn a passing grade in both components. If a student fails one component he/she will be required to repeat both components.

    Nursing Course Fee: $240.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 201 - Foundations of Professional Nursing (ASD)  and  NURS 226 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I (ASD)  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 220L - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Lab (ASD)  
    Other: Accelerated Second Degree Program only

  • NURS 220L - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Lab (ASD)

    1 Credits
    This course introduces the student to the beginning clinical skills and health assessment techniques of professional nursing practice. Classes are held in the Nursing laboratory. Content and skills are integrated and practiced with the assistance of the director of the Nursing laboratory and the course faculty. Students will have several off-campus opportunities to practice newly acquired skills in a long-term care setting. Lab fee required. Students are required to earn a passing grade in both the class and lab component of the course. If a student fails one component he/she will be required to repeat both components.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 220 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills (ASD)  
  • NURS 226 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I (ASD)

    3 Credits
    This course explores the principles and concepts of disease processes and drug therapeutics. Common pathophysiological problems experienced throughout the lifespan are addressed. The pharmacodynamics, therapeutic uses, side effects, and nursing implications of various drug groups will be studied and related to patient specific observations, assessments, interventions, and evaluations that promote and restore health.

    Other: This course is for the ASD program only

  • NURS 228 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (ASD)

    3 Credits
    A continuation of NURS 226 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I (ASD) . The course continues exploring the principles and concepts of disease processes and drug therapeutics. Common pathophysiological problems experienced throughout the lifespan are addressed. The pharmacodynamics, therapeutic uses, side effects, and nursing implications of various drug groups will be studied and related to patient specific observations, assessments, interventions, and evaluations that promote and restore health.
    Other: Course for ASD program
  • NURS 229 - Pharmacology for Nursing (ASD)

    3 Credits
    This course presents the principles and concepts of drug classifications including basic pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, contraindications, precautions and adverse drug interactions. The course content provides a foundation of basic pharmacology necessary for a nurse in general practice and includes nursing management during drug therapy, such as patient-specific observation assessments, interventions and patient and family education to promote and restore health across the lifespan.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 201 - Foundations of Professional Nursing (ASD)  and NURS 227 - Principles of Pathophysiology (ASD)  
    Other: For ASD program only
  • NURS 302 - Leadership and Management of Issues in Professional Practice (ASD)

    3 Credits
    This course provides students with an opportunity to identify and reflect upon their personal developing leadership/management style. Leadership and management theories will be identified and discussed relative to issues confronting the nursing profession including social, political  and economic influences. Inter-professional approaches to the resolution of problems are presented, enhancing leadership ability through decision-making, collaboration and management skills. 
  • NURS 306 - Community and Public Health Nursing (ASD)

    6 Credits
    This course provides an introduction to public health and community health nursing principles. The course content and clinical experiences will focus on the nursing process as it applies to individuals, families and populations in the community. Students will have clinical experiences within diverse community settings. (4 credits didatic, 2 credits clinical)
    Other: Open only to Advanced Second Degree Program.
  • NURS 310 - Nursing Research

    3 Credits
    At the completion of this course, students will have an understanding of Nursing science and the relationship between philosophy of science and Nursing research. The students will compare and contrast research paradigms and develop an understanding of the research process. Based on this understanding, students will develop skills to analyze and evaluate published Nursing research reports. In addition, students will understand how evidence-based practice is the foundation for professional Nursing.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior nursing status
    Corequisite(s): NURS 319 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan II  
  • NURS 316 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II

    3 Credits
    Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II is a continuation of NURS 216 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I . The course continues exploring the principles and concepts of disease processes and drug therapeutics. Common pathophysiological problems experienced throughout the lifespan are addressed. The pharmacodynamics, therapeutic uses, side effects and nursing implications of various drug groups will be studied and related to patient-specific observations, assessments, interventions and evaluations that promote and restore health.
    Prerequisite(s):  NURS 216 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I , and BIOL 301 - Microbiology  
  • NURS 319 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan II

    7 Credits
    This course will provide opportunities for students to care for patients in organizational and community settings who are experiencing significant health and illness transitions. Students will continue to provide comprehensive nursing care with a dual focus on the family and adult/elderly populations. Classroom and clinical experiences will be directed toward learning nursing’s role in the restoration and maintenance of health for the family and adult/geriatric patients. Integration and management of chronic illness will also be considered. Lab fee: $300.
    Prerequisite(s):  NURS 318 - Foundations of Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan I  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 310 Nursing Research  
  • NURS 321 - Foundations of Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan I (ASD)

    7 Credits
    This course will provide opportunities for students to care for patients in organizational and community settings who are experiencing significant health and illness transitions. Students will continue to provide comprehensive nursing care with a dual focus on the family and adult/elderly populations. Classroom and clinical experiences will be directed toward learning nursing’s role in the restoration and maintenance of health for the family and adult/geriatric patients. Integration and management of chronic illness will also be considered. Nursing Lab fee: $264.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 201 - Foundations of Professional Nursing (ASD) , NURS 220 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills (ASD) , NURS 227 - Principles of Pathophysiology (ASD)  and NURS 229 - Pharmacology for Nursing (ASD)  
    Other: Accelerated Second Degree Program only
  • NURS 322 - Nursing Research (ASD)

    3 Credits
    At the completion of this course, students will have an understanding of Nursing science and the relationship between philosophy of science and Nursing research. The students will compare and contrast research paradigms and in doing so develop an understanding of the research process. Based on this understanding, students will develop skills to analyze and evaluate published Nursing research reports. In addition, students will understand how evidence-based practice is the foundation for professional Nursing.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 201 - Foundations of Professional Nursing (ASD) , NURS 220 - Health Assessment and Clinical Skills (ASD) NURS 227 - Principles of Pathophysiology (ASD)  and NURS 229 - Pharmacology for Nursing (ASD)  
    Other: Accelerated Second Degree Program only
  • NURS 390 - Special Topics

    4 Credits
    May be taken up to three times.
  • NURS 403 - Health Care Systems in a Global Society

    3 Credits
    This course offers the student a survey of complex health care systems in the United States and compares them to other systems across the world. Course includes a historical analysis of issues and trends from the turn of the century to the present. Focus on how social, cultural and political structures and practices relate to health disparities internationally. Students will develop an understanding of the historical and contemporary implications of public policies and discrimination affecting health and health care systems globally. They will also study the use of health care services by racial and ethnic minorities and other vulnerable populations including refugees, women and children, and natural disaster victims. We will discuss the World Health Organization, the U.S. Office of Global Affairs, the United Nations and private agencies like the Red Crescent, Medecins sans Frontieres and the Red Cross. This course also helps the student develop an understanding of how to evaluate formal and informal health care delivery systems for their interconnectedness in a global society. (GI) (CORE:global)
  • NURS 404 - Nursing Care of Populations and Individuals in the Community I

    2 Credits
    In this course students learn basic concepts of epidemiology and epidemiological studies, population health, public health nursing, public health program planning and evaluation, and ethics. International health issues are presented. The course culminates with a public health intervention project. 
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 310 - Nursing Research  
  • NURS 406 - Nursing Care of Populations and Individuals in the Community II

    4 Credits
    This course continues discussion of current public health topics begun in NURS 404 - Nursing Care of Populations and Individuals in the Community I  and adds the role of nurse in providing care to patients in the community. Topics include safety while caring for patients in community settings, home and hospice care, community assessment, health promotion across the lifespan, health literacy, violence, substance abuse, disaster management, vulnerable populations, environmental health, and health care systems and finance. Students are placed in community settings for a clinical experience that includes school-based health centers, home care and hospice care agencies, outpatient clinics and community outreach venues that serve vulnerable populations. A care plan for the patient in the community is completed as a requirement for the clinical experience.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 404 - Nursing Care of Populations and Individuals in the Community I  

  • NURS 407 - Nursing Leadership and Professional Issues

    3 Credits
    This course provides the student with an opportunity to examine problems and issues confronting the nursing profession including social, political and economic influences.This course also fosters the development of leadership expertise in the professional nurse. Students learn theories of leadership, management and health care economics with the opportunity to apply these skills in their practice. Available in the Program for Adult Learners.
  • NURS 409 - Issues in Professional Nursing Practice

    4 Credits
    This course fosters the development of leadership expertise in the professional nurse. Students learn theories of leadership, management and health care economics with the opportunity to apply these skills in a 32-hour multicultural field placement during the semester. Students will conduct an assessment of a community leader from an ethnic group other than their own.
    Other: Available in the Program for Adult Learners
  • NURS 411 - Nursing in the Community across the Lifespan

    4 Credits
    This course presents topics of importance to nurses providing care in community settings. This includes community health assessment, health promotion, health literacy, violence, substance abuse, disaster management, vulnerable populations, environmental health, and health care systems and finance. A community health assessment is performed as part of the clinical experience.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 412 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan III  and NURS 420 - Public Health Nursing  
  • NURS 412 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan III

    8 Credits
    This course applies the concepts and principles of acute and mental health nursing to the health care of individuals, families and groups. Clients represent a continuum of wellness to illness across the lifespan. All students have clinical experiences in both psychiatric/mental health nursing and in acute care environments. Emphasis of the clinical experience is on increasing levels of proficiency in making professional judgments and carrying out related interventions. Nursing Lab fee: $210.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 319 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan II  
  • NURS 414 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan III (ASD)

    8 Credits
    This course applies the concepts and principles of acute and mental health nursing to the health care of individuals, families and groups. Clients represent a continuum of wellness to illness across the lifespan. All students have clinical experiences in both psychiatric/mental health nursing and in acute care environments. Emphasis of the clinical experience is on increasing levels of proficiency in making professional judgments and carrying out related interventions. Nursing Course Fee: $300.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 323 - Foundation of Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan II (ASD) , and NURS 410 - Public Health Nursing (ASD)  
    Other: Accelerated Second Degree Program only
  • NURS 416 - Nursing Research

    3 Credits
    This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the history of research in Nursing as well as a detailed description of the research process as it applies to both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Students will learn to critically evaluate research reports with a scholarly, multicultural lens. Each student will identify a cultural issue/health disparity and design a research proposal to answer the question.
    Other: Available in the Program for Adult Learners
  • NURS 417 - Management of Complex Health Problems

    8 Credits
    The focus of this course is holistic professional Nursing practice through synthesis, analysis and application of knowledge. Increase in clinical competence is gained through integration of empirical and professional knowledge, clinical and cognitive skills and professional values and behaviors. Based on the synthesis of knowledge the student will continue to provide comprehensive nursing care to patients, families and the community. Upon evaluation of intervention effectiveness, students will (re)formulate the plan of care and create new nursing interventions as appropriate. Students have the opportunity to identify their own learning needs and develop a learning contract to meet them. The contract is implemented in a clinical setting of particular interest to the student and as deemed appropriate by the faculty in the course. The theoretical component is case study/seminar format with discussion of selected topics and student presentations of a selected study. The students will use research skills to complement their clinical case load with a thorough critique of correlating articles and evidence-based practice. Lab fee: $300.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 412 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan III  
    Other: Open only to Advanced Second Degree Program
  • NURS 419 - Management of Complex Health Alterations (ASD)

    7 Credits
    This course provides the student with an opportunity to examine problems and issues confronting the Nursing profession including social, political and economic influences. An interdisciplinary approach to the resolution of problems is used, enhancing leadership ability through decision-making, collaborative and management skills. Laboratory fee.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 414 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan III (ASD)   
    Corequisite(s): Open only in Advanced Second Degree program
  • NURS 423 - Perspectives in Nursing Science

    3 Credits
    This course takes a critical social view of the evolution and nature of Nursing science with an eye toward identifying bias in Nursing models and theories. Emphasis is placed on scholarly endeavors that reflect a willingness to challenge established patterns of thought. Personal philosophies of Nursing are written to identify personal values, beliefs and cultural practices related to health care that may interfere with acceptance of different cultural practices and beliefs. Students are introduced to the cultural theories of Campinha-Bacote, Giger and Davidhizers, and Leininger. Students choose one that will guide their practice. Using the theoretical framework chosen, students will conduct a concept analysis related to a cultural issue in health care. 
  • NURS 424 - Issues in Professional Practice

    3 Credits
    This course provides the student with an opportunity to identify and reflect upon their personal developing leadership/management style. Leadership and management theories will be identified and discussed relative to issue confronting the nursing profession including social, political and economic influences. Inter-professional approaches to the resolution of problems are presented, enhancing leadership ability through decision-making, collaborative, and management skills.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 310 - Nursing Research  and NURS 319 - Clinical and Theoretical Nursing across the Lifespan II  
  • NURS 435 - Multicultural Community Health Nursing

    5 Credits
    This course examines cultural and community influences on the health and illness of individuals, families, groups and communities. Discuss theory relevant to the concepts of culture, community, health, illness and healing through case studies and 60 hours of multicultural field placements. Students create an assessment tool to examine the health of a particular culture using epidemiological and ethnographic methods that may build on the proposal written in NURS 416 - Nursing Research . Student will compare health and illness patterns in selected regions of global communities. Students are required to do 60 hours of field work in a multicultural community health care setting. Students and faculty will collaborate to locate appropriate clinical sites.
    Prerequisite(s): Statistics course or MATH 110 - Elementary Statistics  
    Corequisite(s): Must have Connecticut RN license
    Other: Open to Program for Adult Learners students only
  • NURS 436 - Multicultural Community Health Nursing (Online)

    3 Credits
    In this online course students analyze the principles and theories of public health nursing and public health national policy. Discussions also include principles of epidemiology, global health and bio-terrorism. Particular emphasis is given to nursing activities that promote and preserve the health of populations. Student will learn about population-focused practice settings across diverse communities. Emphasis is on increasing levels of proficiency in making clinical judgments and carrying out related nursing interventions in unstructured settings. Available in the Program for Adult Learners.
  • NURS 440 - Experiential Learning in Multicultural Nursing

    3 Credits
    This course immerses the student in multicultural nursing experiences in a variety of communities and locations. Reflections and analysis are encouraged to integrate new skills and new ways of thinking. Each student will work in a community or public health setting using leadership skills theory, while applying knowledge learned throughout the program. Students learn theories of leadership, management and health care economics with the opportunity to apply these skills in a 22-hour nursing leadership experience over the semester. Students will conduct an assessment of a community and volunteer time in a multicultural community health experience for 36 hours.
    Other:  Open to Program for Adult Learners Students
  • NURS 500 - Philosophy of Science/Nursing Theory

    3 Credits
    This course is an introduction to the evolution and nature of Nursing science. In the course of examining the philosophic basis of Nursing science, students have an opportunity to develop critiquing skills with which to evaluate current and past Nursing models and theories. Emphasis is placed on scholarly endeavors that reflect a willingness to challenge established patterns of thought, and to engage in critical and creative thinking.

    Nursing Course Fee: $55.



  • NURS 501 - Nursing Practice in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing I

    4 Credits
    Within an eclectic theoretical framework of selected existential/humanistic, interpersonal and psychoanalytic readings, students analyze the processes of assessing mental health and therapeutic interaction between the psychiatric nurse and the patient. Pertinent aspects of developmental theory, selected psychoanalytic concepts and existential themes are examined as they influence the therapeutic relationship. This course also examines the integration of psychopharmacology in psychotherapy. (180 clinical hours)
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 507 - Advanced Physical Assessment , NURS 530 - Neuropsychopharmacology , and NURS 544 - Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions  
  • NURS 505 - Health Policy and Leadership

    3 Credits
    The major focus of the course is health policy and advanced practice nursing leadership. Students will deconstruct and examine the development, analysis and impact of public policy on health care. The course will also consider how their understanding and communicating our American values and vision can be applied to complexities of health care. The course will also explore the impact of Nursing through knowledge and leadership abilities.
  • NURS 507 - Advanced Physical Assessment

    4 Credits
    A comprehensive process for health assessment of individuals across the life span, including interviewing, history taking, techniques of physical and mental status examinations, selection of appropriate diagnostic procedures, documentation skills and formulating a prioritized plan of nursing care. Students must register for this course the semester before the start of clinical courses in order to negotiate appropriate clinical sites. Students must take and pass NURS 507L - Advanced Physical Assessment Lab  to receive credit for NURS 507. Nursing Course Fee: $400.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 519 - Advanced Pathophysiology  
  • NURS 507L - Advanced Physical Assessment Lab

    0 Credits
    Students will participate in a preceptor/student simulation with USJ students hired to work as actors who portray patients. Preceptors will help students learn and apply advanced physical assessment techniques, create formatted notes and begin to formulate differential diagnoses. Pass/ fail. NURS 507 - Advanced Physical Assessment  must be taken at the same time. Students must pass both courses to receive credit.

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